Swimming Video Analysis Clinic £149
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Learn to breathe out properly making swimming continuously feel much less effort

HD Video Analysis of your stroke

What a Video Analysis Clinic entails
Seeing yourself swimming from a range of different angles and then having your stroke praised and constructively critiqued by us is a liberating experience.
We’ll identify the great elements of your stroke already there and the stroke faults which you need to work on, whether its holding your breath, arm crossovers, sinky legs, inefficient catch mechanics, overkicking or overgliding. We use a high quality HD underwater camera to film you from a range of different angles above and below the water, leaving no stone unturned!
Video analysis is a superb way to identify key areas to improve your stroke efficiency and help you to see how you need to improve. You'll take home a recorded analysis and links to training sessions to continue improving in your own training.
Date TBC

Stroke Correction Session
Individual Stroke Correction
The high quality group pool session includes individual technique development and intervention based on your video analysis the things currently holding you back.
Swimming Drills
You'll be coached how to do drills properly to build new technique movement patterns into your stroke. We find the optimum stroke rate for you and improve your energy efficiency.
Swimming Pacing Test
Where time allows, we also complete a swimming threshold speed test to improve your pacing awareness, fitness level and corresponding race speeds.

Interactive Theory Presentation
The class room discussion includes:​
Fundamentals of a great freestyle stroke including common misunderstandings and stroke faults
Watch footage and discuss stroke elements of elite triathletes and swimmers
What drills to use to fix your stroke faults and improve your efficiency so you can swim further for less effort
How to generate more propulsion so you can move faster with less effort
Training methods to get fitter and faster

"For anybody who like me, has spent hours in the pool but found their times or fitness not improving, I would strongly recommend this clinic. What I believed that I was doing with my stroke & technique was not what was actually happening in the water. This became obvious when identified by Annie when watching the playback of the video. Not only are the corrections that are needed highlighted, we were then shown drills designed to rectify these with plenty of time then spent back in the pool, after the feedback had finished, practicing them with further guidance & coaching from Annie at poolside. A brilliant workshop & I could not wait to get back in the pool on Monday…." Nick

Tune Up Your Individual Stroke
Annie takes account for individual differences - we know everyone shouldn't swim the same way. Someone with shorter arms physically can't swim the way someone with the wingspan of an albatross can! We identify the right way for YOU to take your swimming to the next level. We help you realise why you swim the way you do and the steps we need to take to help you improve.
You'll come away from this Clinic with a fully enhanced freestyle stroke and some new tools to take away to improve your technique, training and open water abilities.